Reb Moshe, entrusted by The Lubavitcher Rebbe to advance the mission of Chabad, dedicated his entire life to expanding and growing the global network of Chabad to the success it has become. He had an unwavering commitment to every Shliach, traveled millions of miles to meet them in their Chabad House, and personally answered their calls day and night.
Reb Moshe was the iconic Chairman of the International Kinus Hashluchim and Merkos Shlichus, the Vice Chairman of Merkos L'inyonei Chinuch, and the Chairman of legendary organizations that he founded, including Chabad on Campus International, The Rohr Jewish Institute, Merkos 302, Ckids Network, Cteen Network, Chabad Young Professionals, and many others. The over 150 programs he powered have touched millions of Jews worldwide.
Today, we must perpetuate Reb Moshe's legacy to ensure that all these critical initiatives for the thousands of Shluchim and the expansion of Chabad worldwide continue to grow and flourish.
Some of the recent initiatives
In honor of the 120th birthday of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
An Ambitious Global Initiative of Growth and Impact


Chabad House Libraries

Yom Tov

Chabad Israeli Desk for Hebrew-Speaking Communities

Emergency Support

New After-School Programs


120 Million Mitzvos

New Shluchim

New CTeen Lounges

Sifrei Torah

1,200 pairs of Merkos Shlichus Roving Rabbis

Hebrew Schools

Support for
Shluchos' mental and emotional health